
Welcome to the Waikato VHF Group Website


Waikato VHF Group

General Meeting

will be held on

Sunday 22 September
2024, 1.30pm

at Silver Fern Farms Event Centre, 44 Stanley Ave.Te Aroha (Ballance Room, our usual venue).

Our guest speaker will be Neill Ellis ZL1TAJ telling us about his recent storm chasing adventures in the USA.

The 'Waiplenty" 2m network on 146.950 will be monitored for anyone requiring directions.


was founded on 16 June 1963 by 10 amateurs, to serve the VHF needs of amateur radio operators in the region. The Group has progressed from that time to the present with virtually the same objectives in mind. The Group has a very comprehensive net work of both VHF and UHF repeaters located at several strategic sites that cover a major portion of the North Island of New Zealand.

The objectives of the Group are: Amongst others;

1. To support the aims and objectives of the NZART

2. To foster local interest in Amateur Radio, particularly at VHF and higher frequencies

3. To establish and operate amateur transmitting and repeater stations

Without doubt these aims and objectives are more than adequately being catered for by this dedicated Group of Amateur Radio Operators.

Further details on the history of the Waikato VHF Group can be found here.

We welcome your further enquiry.

Email: branch.81@nz

Membership: Application Form


'540 data repeater, ex. Kaimai

See photo and details HERE.

Interested in DMR

(Digital Mobile Radio)

An Amateur Radio Guide to DMR can be found HERE.

New Zealand AREC DMR ZL-Turbo Repeater Network

Information on the network
can be found HERE

Map of ZL Repeater Network Sites

Website of the Month



Welcome to DMR for Dummies! Don't feel bad. Our name is NOT intended to be derogatory in any way, but it is a reality for all of us when we first pick up a DMR radio. The transition from an analog state-of-mind for all hams is a kind of stretch. It sure was for us. So we decided to do something about it. At D4D, you'll find many tips and tricks to help you gat started.


Te Weraiti '695 Repeater

Performance has been restored to near same level it was in 2022 prior to major antenna issues developing.

WaiPlenty Network

Just click on the image below to see a larger version and to read more ...

WaiPlenty Coverage

free counters

Interested in joining the Waikato VHF Group?
New or exisiting members can click 
HERE for details and an application form.

Are you able to assist the Group by sponsoring a Waikato VHF Group
Repeater or Beacon Licence?

If so - click
HERE for details.

Are you an NZART member?

Click above image to find out more!

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Read an article on the first 2 metre beacon manufactured and installed by the Group, in 1972.

A copy of the
of the Group is now available for downloading.

See a
Slide Show featuring the Kordia National System sites.

For any repeater or equipment problems see
Waikato Rptrs & National System Status.

Any constructive comments, content or ideas for additional pages are welcome.


Thanks for visiting

Contacts Kaimai Site Rangitoto Site Waihi Site
Contests Kaimai Images Renew Membership Waihi Images
Maungakawa Site Repeater Status WaiPlenty Network
Group History Maungakawa Images Rukuhia Site Websites
HOME Meetings Sites
IRLP National System Images Tairua Site
IRLP Guidelines News Te Uku Site
IRLP NZ Nodes Status Newsletters Te Uku Images
IRLP 6549 Visual Monitor Picture Gallery Te Weraiti Site
Join Group Repeater Sponsorship Te Weraiti Images

Copyright © - Waikato VHF Group Inc. - All Rights Reserved